Changes in the Management of Holmström Fastigheter

Holmström Fastigheter Holding AB (Publ) ("Holmström Fastigheter") announces that Susanne Filipoff Larsson, Head of Finance, will join the management team. For more information, please contact:Fredrik Holmström, CEO+46 (0) 8 660 94 About Holmström Fastigheter Holding AB (publ)Holmström Fastigheter Holding AB (publ) is a public company in the property sector and is a wholly-owned subsidiary […]


Changes in the Management of Holmström Fastigheter

Förändringar i ledningen för Holmström fastigheter

Holmström Fastigheter Holding AB (Publ) (”Holmström Fastigheter”) meddelar att Susanne Filipoff Larsson, Ekonomichef, tar plats i ledningsgruppen. För mer information, vänligen kontakta:Fredrik Holmström, VD+46 (0) 8 660 94 Om Holmström Fastigheter Holding AB (publ)Holmström Fastigheter Holding AB (publ) är ett publikt bolag inom fastighetssektorn och är ett helägt dotterbolag inom Holmströmgruppens koncern. Verksamheten bygger […]


Förändringar i ledningen för Holmström fastigheter

Changes in the Board of Directors for Holmström Fastigheter

Holmström Fastigheter Holding AB publ ("Holmström Fastigheter") announces that Marija Nikolic, Head of Sustainability and Property Management, has been appointed as a new board member. Marija replaces Ken Wendelin, who is stepping down from the board as he will no longer hold the position of CFO and Deputy CEO. Holmström Fastigheter is undergoing a reorganisation […]


Changes in the Board of Directors for Holmström Fastigheter

Förändringar i styrelsen för Holmström Fastigheter

Holmström Fastigheter Holding AB publ ("Holmström Fastigheter") meddelar att Marija Nikolic, hållbarhets- och fastighetschef, har utsetts till ny styrelseledamot. Marija ersätter Ken Wendelin, som lämnar sin plats i styrelsen på grund av att han inte längre kommer att inneha rollen som CFO och vice VD. Holmström fastigheter gör en omorganisering och har beslutat att inte ersätta […]


Förändringar i styrelsen för Holmström Fastigheter

Fredrik Tibell appointed Chairman of the Board at Holmström Fastigheter

Holmström Fastigheter Holding AB (publ) ("Holmström Fastigheter") announces today that Fredrik Holmström, former Chairman of the Board, will continue as a board member while Fredrik Tibell, previously a board member, has been appointed as the new Chairman of the Board. For more information, please contact:Fredrik Holmström, Board member +46 70 601 21 About Holmström [...].


Fredrik Tibell appointed Chairman of the Board at Holmström Fastigheter

Fredrik Tibell appointed Chairman of the Board of Holmström Fastigheter

Holmström Fastigheter Holding AB (publ) ("Holmström Fastigheter") today announces that Fredrik Holmström, former chairman of the board, will continue as board member while Fredrik Tibell, former board member, has been appointed as new chairman of the board. For more information, please contact:Fredrik Holmström, board member 070 601 21 About Holmström Fastigheter Holding AB (publ)Holmström Fastigheter Holding AB (publ) is a public company in the real estate sector [...].


Fredrik Tibell appointed Chairman of the Board of Holmström Fastigheter

Change in the Board of Directors for Holmström Fastigheter

Holmström Fastigheter Holding AB (publ) ("Holmström Fastigheter") announces today that Ken Wendelin, currently Vice CEO and CFO of Holmströmgruppen, is assuming the role of board member. For more information, please contact:Fredrik Holmström, Chairman+46 70 601 21 About Holmström Fastigheter Holding AB (publ)Holmström Fastigheter Holding AB (publ) is a public company in the property sector [...].


Change in the Board of Directors for Holmström Fastigheter

Change in the Board of Holmström Fastigheter

Holmström Fastigheter Holding AB (publ) ("Holmström Fastigheter") today announces that Ken Wendelin, currently Deputy CEO and CFO at Holmströmgruppen, joins the Board of Directors. For more information, please contact:Fredrik Holmström, Chairman of the Board070 601 21 About Holmström Fastigheter Holding AB (publ)Holmström Fastigheter Holding AB (publ) is a public company in the real estate sector and is a wholly owned subsidiary of [...].


Change in the Board of Holmström Fastigheter

Fredrik Holmström takes over as CEO at Holmström Fastigheter

Fredrik Holmström assumes the position of CEO at Holmström Fastigheter Holding AB (publ) ("Holmström Fastigheter").Fredrik succeeds Erik Rune, who will remain in his operational role until April 12, 2024. In connection with this, Erik also steps down as a board member of Holmström Fastigheter. Subsequently, he will serve as an advisor to Holmströmgruppen. "Erik and [...]


Fredrik Holmström takes over as CEO at Holmström Fastigheter

Fredrik Holmström takes over as CEO of Holmström Fastigheter.

Fredrik Holmström takes over the position as CEO of Holmström Fastigheter Holding AB (publ) ("Holmström Fastigheter"). Fredrik succeeds Erik Rune, who will remain in his operational role until April 12, 2024. In connection with that, Erik also quits as a board member of Holmström Fastigheter. Thereafter, he will be an advisor to the Holmström Group. "Erik and I have worked [...]


Fredrik Holmström takes over as CEO of Holmström Fastigheter.
