Klippudden Fastigheter appoints new CEO

The Board of Klippudden Fastigheter announces that Daniel Goldman will take over as CEO of the company from 1 November 2022. He succeeds Gustav Carp, who has spent the last six years building a stable platform with both strong growth and active management.    

In February 2022, Holmström Fastigheter Holding AB (publ) and Slättö entered into a partnership regarding Klippudden Fastigheter AB with a goal of reaching ten billion in property value within five years. In connection with the newly established cooperation, the company enters a new phase where Daniel Goldman's deep knowledge in transaction and property management will contribute to Klippudden's development.   

"I am delighted to welcome Daniel Goldman to the role of CEO of Klippudden Fastigheter. It is my belief that he has what it takes to take the company into the next phase. We have a fantastic journey behind us where Gustav Carp has been responsible for building the company and the journey that has made Klippudden the great company it is today. I thank Gustav for the fantastic job he has done with the company and together we now hand over to Daniel", says Fredrik Holmström, Chairman of Klippudden Fastigheter.

"Klippudden is a company that is in a very exciting phase with long-term owners and a growth journey ahead of them, and I look forward to contributing to the company's future development.", says Daniel Goldman.

Daniel Goldman joins us most recently from Heimstaden, where he was responsible for the Stockholm region. Prior to that, he held a similar role at Akelius.

For more information, please contact:

Erik Rune, CEO

+ 46 73 399 40 30



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For more information, please contact:

Erik Rune, CEO

+ 46 73 399 40 30



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Klippudden Fastigheter appoints new CEO

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The Board of Klippudden Fastigheter announces that Daniel Goldman will take over as CEO of the company from 1 November 2022. He succeeds Gustav Carp, who has spent the last six years building a stable platform with both strong growth and active management.    

[Body] => In February 2022, Holmström Fastigheter Holding AB (publ) and Slättö entered into a partnership regarding Klippudden Fastigheter AB with a goal of reaching ten billion in property value within five years. In connection with the newly established cooperation, the company enters a new phase where Daniel Goldman's deep knowledge in transaction and property management will contribute to Klippudden's development. "I am delighted to welcome Daniel Goldman to the role of CEO of Klippudden Fastigheter. It is my conviction that he has what it takes to take the company into the next phase. We have a fantastic journey behind us where Gustav Carp has been responsible for building the company and the journey that has made Klippudden the great company it is today. I thank Gustav for the fantastic work he has done with the company and together we now hand over to Daniel", says Fredrik Holmström, Chairman of Klippudden Fastigheter. "Klippudden is a company that is in a very exciting phase with long-term owners with a growth journey ahead of them and I look forward to contributing to the company's future development", says Daniel Goldman. Daniel Goldman joins us from Heimstaden, where he was responsible for the Stockholm region. Prior to that, he held a similar role at Akelius. [HtmlBody] =>

In February 2022, Holmström Fastigheter Holding AB (publ) and Slättö entered into a partnership regarding Klippudden Fastigheter AB with a goal of reaching ten billion in property value within five years. In connection with the newly established cooperation, the company enters a new phase where Daniel Goldman's deep knowledge in transaction and property management will contribute to Klippudden's development.   

"I am delighted to welcome Daniel Goldman to the role of CEO of Klippudden Fastigheter. It is my belief that he has what it takes to take the company into the next phase. We have a fantastic journey behind us where Gustav Carp has been responsible for building the company and the journey that has made Klippudden the great company it is today. I thank Gustav for the fantastic job he has done with the company and together we now hand over to Daniel", says Fredrik Holmström, Chairman of Klippudden Fastigheter.

"Klippudden is a company that is in a very exciting phase with long-term owners and a growth journey ahead of them, and I look forward to contributing to the company's future development.", says Daniel Goldman.

Daniel Goldman joins us most recently from Heimstaden, where he was responsible for the Stockholm region. Prior to that, he held a similar role at Akelius.

[Complete] => Klippudden Fastigheter tillsätter ny VD Styrelsen i Klippudden Fastigheter meddelar att Daniel Goldman tar över posten som VD i bolaget från 1 november 2022. Han efterträder Gustav Carp som de senaste sex åren arbetat med att bygga upp en stabil plattform med både stark tillväxt och aktiv förvaltning.     I februari 2022 ingick Holmström Fastigheter Holding AB (publ) och Slättö ett samarbete avseende Klippudden Fastigheter AB med ett mål om att nå tio miljarder i fastighetsvärde inom fem år. I samband med det nyetablerade samarbetet går bolaget in i en ny fas där Daniel Goldmans djupa kunskaper inom transaktion och fastighetsförvaltning kommer bidra till Klippuddens utveckling.    ”Jag är glad att välkomna Daniel Goldman till rollen som VD för Klippudden Fastigheter. Det är min övertygelse att han har vad som krävs för att ta bolaget in i nästa fas. Vi har en fantastisk resa bakom oss där Gustav Carp ansvarat för bolagets uppbyggnad och resa som gjort Klippudden till det fina bolag det är idag. Jag tackar Gustav för det fantastiska jobbet han har gjort med bolaget och tillsammans lämnar vi nu över till Daniel”, säger Fredrik Holmström, Ordförande Klippudden Fastigheter. ”Klippudden är ett bolag som befinner sig i en mycket spännande fas med långsiktiga ägare med en tillväxtresa framför sig och jag ser fram mot att få bidra till bolagets framtida utveckling”, säger Daniel Goldman. Daniel Goldman kommer senast från Heimstaden där han har varit ansvarig för Stockholmsregionen. Dessförinnan hade han en liknande roll på Akelius. För mer information, vänligen kontakta: Erik Rune, VD + 46 73 399 40 30 erik.rune@holmstromgruppen.se www.holmstromfastigheterholding.se ------------------------------------------------------------ Denna information skickades av Cision http://news.cision.com/se https://news.cision.com/se/holmstrom-fastigheter-holding-ab/r/klippudden-fastigheter-tillsatter-ny-vd,c3619230 [ServiceCategories] => Array ( ) [MainJobId] => 3145517 [SourceId] => 66533 [SourceIsListed] => 1 [SourceName] => Holmström Fastigheter Holding AB [SeOrganizationNumber] => 5592866809 [LogoUrl] => https://mb.cision.com/Public/20302/logo/8d3b4d901f8f1857_org.png [CompanyInformation] => [Contact] => För mer information, vänligen kontakta: Erik Rune, VD + 46 73 399 40 30 erik.rune@holmstromgruppen.se www.holmstromfastigheterholding.se [Header] => [Keywords] => Array ( ) [QuickFacts] => Array ( ) [Categories] => Array ( ) [Videos] => Array ( ) [Files] => Array ( ) [Quotes] => Array ( ) [ExternalLinks] => Array ( ) [EmbeddedItems] => Array ( ) [Id] => 4337410 [EncryptedId] => D8A4AEB185C4EDF4 [IsRegulatory] => [SuppressImageOnCisionWire] => [PublishDate] => 2022-08-25T06:00:00Z [LastChangeDate] => 2022-08-25T06:00:37.33Z [Title] => Klippudden Fastigheter tillsätter ny VD [Intro] => Styrelsen i Klippudden Fastigheter meddelar att Daniel Goldman tar över posten som VD i bolaget från 1 november 2022. Han efterträder Gustav Carp som de senaste sex åren arbetat med att bygga upp en stabil plattform med både stark tillväxt och aktiv förvaltning.     [IptcCode] => 04004003 [InformationType] => PRM [LanguageCode] => sv [CountryCode] => se [CanonicalUrl] => [CisionWireUrl] => https://news.cision.com/se/holmstrom-fastigheter-holding-ab/r/klippudden-fastigheter-tillsatter-ny-vd,c3619230 [RawHtmlUrl] => /Release/ViewReleaseHtml/D8A4AEB185C4EDF4 [LanguageVersions] => Array ( ) [Images] => Array ( ) [Tickers] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [Symbol] => HMFSTH [ISIN] => SE0015797667 [PrimaryListing] => 1 [IsShare] => 1 [MarketPlaceSymbol] => FWB [MarketPlaceName] => Börse Frankfurt [MarketPlaceBloombergCode] => GR [MarketPlaceMarketWireCode] => FRANKFURT [MarketPlaceIsRegulated] => 1 [MarketPlaceCountryCode] => DE ) [1] => stdClass Object ( [Symbol] => HOLFA1 [ISIN] => SE0015797667 [PrimaryListing] => 1 [IsShare] => 1 [MarketPlaceSymbol] => STO [MarketPlaceName] => Stockholmsbörsen [MarketPlaceBloombergCode] => SS [MarketPlaceMarketWireCode] => OMX [MarketPlaceIsRegulated] => 1 [MarketPlaceCountryCode] => SE ) ) )