Holmström Fastigheter has successfully issued a bond loan of SEK 300 million

Holmström Fastigheter Holding AB (publ) ("Holmström Fastigheter") has successfully issued senior unsecured SEK-denominated bonds of SEK 300 million under a framework amount of SEK 750 million. The issue was mainly placed with Swedish institutional investors and the bond will initially be listed on the Open Market in Frankfurt and later listed on the corporate bond list on Nasdaq Stockholm. The bonds carry a floating rate of STIBOR 3 months + 5.00 per cent per year and have a final maturity date of October 2024.

"Weare very pleased to have completed our first bond issue, which also represents an important milestone in the company's development. The strong response from investors combined with the flexibility of bond financing gives us additional confidence to continue to carry out value-creating investments in existing stocks as well as to grow our portfolio of properties through acquisitions",says Erik Rune, CEO Holmström Fastigheter.

Nordea and Pareto have acted as financial advisors and Wigge &Amp; Partners has acted as legal advisor in the transaction.

For more information, please contact:
Erik Rune, CEO

073 399 40 30, erik.rune@holmstromgruppen.se,


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Holmström Fastigheter has successfully issued a bond loan of SEK 300 million

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Holmström Fastigheter Holding AB (publ) ("Holmström Fastigheter") has successfully issued senior unsecured SEK-denominated bonds of SEK 300 million under a framework amount of SEK 750 million. The issue was mainly placed with Swedish institutional investors and the bond will initially be listed on the Open Market in Frankfurt and later listed on the corporate bond list on Nasdaq Stockholm. The bonds carry a floating rate of STIBOR 3 months + 5.00 per cent per year and have a final maturity date of October 2024.

[Body] => "We are very pleased to have completed our first bond issue, which also represents an important milestone in the company's development. The strong response from investors combined with the flexibility of bond financing gives us additional confidence to continue to carry out value-creating investments in existing stocks as well as to grow our portfolio of properties through acquisitions", says Erik Rune, CEO Holmström Fastigheter. Nordea and Pareto have acted as financial advisors and Wigge & Partners has acted as legal advisor in the transaction. For more information, please contact: Erik Rune, CEO 073 399 40 30, erik.rune@holmstromgruppen.se,  www.holmstromfastigheterholding.se [HtmlBody] =>

"Weare very pleased to have completed our first bond issue, which also represents an important milestone in the company's development. The strong response from investors combined with the flexibility of bond financing gives us additional confidence to continue to carry out value-creating investments in existing stocks as well as to grow our portfolio of properties through acquisitions",says Erik Rune, CEO Holmström Fastigheter.

Nordea and Pareto have acted as financial advisors and Wigge &Amp; Partners has acted as legal advisor in the transaction.

For more information, please contact:
Erik Rune, CEO

073 399 40 30, erik.rune@holmstromgruppen.se,


[Complete] => Holmström Fastigheter har framgångsrikt emitterat ett obligationlån om 300 miljoner kronor Holmström Fastigheter Holding AB (publ) (”Holmström Fastigheter”) har framgångsrikt emitterat seniora icke-säkerställda SEK-denominerade obligationer om 300 miljoner kronor under ett rambelopp om 750 miljoner kronor. Emissionen placerades huvudsakligen hos svenska institutionella investerare och obligationen kommer initialt att noteras på Open Market i Frankfurt för att sedermera noteras på företagsobligationslistan på Nasdaq Stockholm. Obligationerna löper med en rörlig ränta om STIBOR 3 månader + 5,00 procent per år och har ett slutligt förfallodatum i oktober 2024. ”Vi är väldigt nöjda med att ha genomfört vår första obligationsemission som också utgör en viktig milstolpe i bolagets utveckling. Det starka gensvaret från investerare i kombination med flexibiliteten som obligationsfinansieringen utgör ger oss ytterligare självförtroende att fortsätta genomföra värdeskapande investeringar i befintligt bestånd såväl som att växa vårt bestånd av fastigheter genom förvärv”, säger Erik Rune, VD Holmström Fastigheter. Nordea och Pareto har agerat finansiella rådgivare och Wigge & Partners har agerat som legal rådgivare i transaktionen. För mer information, vänligen kontakta: Erik Rune, VD 073 399 40 30, erik.rune@holmstromgruppen.se,  www.holmstromfastigheterholding.se ------------------------------------------------------------ Denna information skickades av Cision http://news.cision.com/se https://news.cision.com/se/holmstrom-fastigheter-holdning-ab/r/holmstrom-fastigheter-har-framgangsrikt-emitterat-ett-obligationlan-om-300-miljoner-kronor,c3409694 [ServiceCategories] => Array ( ) [MainJobId] => 2970286 [SourceId] => 66533 [SourceIsListed] => 1 [SourceName] => Holmström Fastigheter Holding AB [SeOrganizationNumber] => 5592866809 [LogoUrl] => https://mb.cision.com/Public/20302/3322655/a5c3bcb3d723a4a8_800x800ar.png [CompanyInformation] => [Contact] => [Header] => [Keywords] => Array ( ) [QuickFacts] => Array ( ) [Categories] => Array ( ) [Videos] => Array ( ) [Files] => Array ( ) [Quotes] => Array ( ) [ExternalLinks] => Array ( ) [EmbeddedItems] => Array ( ) [Id] => 3943494 [EncryptedId] => 8E5BB812A212FAE6 [IsRegulatory] => 1 [SuppressImageOnCisionWire] => [PublishDate] => 2021-04-14T05:00:00Z [LastChangeDate] => 2021-12-15T10:28:52.933Z [Title] => Holmström Fastigheter har framgångsrikt emitterat ett obligationlån om 300 miljoner kronor [Intro] => Holmström Fastigheter Holding AB (publ) (”Holmström Fastigheter”) har framgångsrikt emitterat seniora icke-säkerställda SEK-denominerade obligationer om 300 miljoner kronor under ett rambelopp om 750 miljoner kronor. Emissionen placerades huvudsakligen hos svenska institutionella investerare och obligationen kommer initialt att noteras på Open Market i Frankfurt för att sedermera noteras på företagsobligationslistan på Nasdaq Stockholm. Obligationerna löper med en rörlig ränta om STIBOR 3 månader + 5,00 procent per år och har ett slutligt förfallodatum i oktober 2024. [IptcCode] => 04004003 [InformationType] => PRM [LanguageCode] => sv [CountryCode] => se [CanonicalUrl] => [CisionWireUrl] => https://news.cision.com/se/holmstrom-fastigheter-holding-ab/r/holmstrom-fastigheter-har-framgangsrikt-emitterat-ett-obligationlan-om-300-miljoner-kronor,c3409694 [RawHtmlUrl] => /Release/ViewReleaseHtml/8E5BB812A212FAE6 [LanguageVersions] => Array ( ) [Images] => Array ( ) [Tickers] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [Symbol] => HMFSTH [ISIN] => SE0015797667 [PrimaryListing] => 1 [IsShare] => 1 [MarketPlaceSymbol] => FWB [MarketPlaceName] => Börse Frankfurt [MarketPlaceBloombergCode] => GR [MarketPlaceMarketWireCode] => FRANKFURT [MarketPlaceIsRegulated] => 1 [MarketPlaceCountryCode] => DE ) [1] => stdClass Object ( [Symbol] => HOLFA1 [ISIN] => SE0015797667 [PrimaryListing] => 1 [IsShare] => 1 [MarketPlaceSymbol] => STO [MarketPlaceName] => Stockholmsbörsen [MarketPlaceBloombergCode] => SS [MarketPlaceMarketWireCode] => OMX [MarketPlaceIsRegulated] => 1 [MarketPlaceCountryCode] => SE ) ) )